Hideaway Report
Strategy, brand, and product design for Hideaway Report, helping travelers find the world's most extraordinary destinations.
Even experts need help finding their
next trip.
Founded in 1979, Hideaway Report has been helping travelers find unique travel destinations and experiences worldwide. Handsome updated their website architecture, design and content strategy to increase membership conversion rates.
The Problem:
After an internal rebrand, Hideaway Report’s website was failing to convert site visitors into paying members. Unsure how to right their digital flagship, Hideaway Report brought in Handsome to evaluate their online presence and deliver high-impact solutions.
- Brand Design
- Experience Strategy
- Front-End Development
- Website Design
Finding the Holes
Heuristic evaluations of Hideaway Report's user journeys and available content coupled with live customer interviews gave us a clear understanding of how their customers interacted with the site. We immediately identified that in the age of Google, Hideaway Report was simply giving away too much of their content.
Hideaway Report’s updated branding, website, and revamped digital strategy improved paid memberships 15.6x over their previous guest pass membership model.
In addition to our core deliverable, we presented mid- to long-term recommendations highlighting opportunities for additional lifestyle content that would appeal to their target demographics,user retention projections, and revenue targets per-user.